Meet Juliana!

Meet Juliana! 

She's 7-years-old and is in 1st grade.  She is sassy and spirited and she loves excitement.  Music, art and reading are among her favorite things.  She loves coloring and is very good at it.  

Juliana's start in life was very rough, she was given a 0% prognosis to survive and she had open heart surgery after birth.  She has Turner Syndrome which has resulted in heart, kidney, ear defects and short stature.  She takes heart and growth medication daily.  She has had many ear surgeries and is hard of hearing.  

Despite all this, Juliana has the most spunk and energy of any kid you'd meet.  She is energetic, she never stops running and jumping and she is very good at gymnastics. She has long red hair and it perfectly fits her personality.  She not only survived but is thriving!

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