Meet Sam!

Meet Sam!

He is 17-years-old! His look was totally unique! He has thick black hair and eyes as clear and dark as midnight pools. His mom suspected something was different immediately, he never tried to lift his head or focus on anything. Just slept and cried, but the Dr's insisted he was fine.

Sam had very low muscle tone and was unable to feed properly causing him to have failure to thrive. There was no official diagnosis until this year. Sam struggled with seizures, pneumonia and continued feeding difficulties, but always recovered with his signature smile.

At age 4, Sam began to walk, only to suffer his first broken bone, but he was triumphant and learned to walk again only to fall once more, this time breaking several bones in his back. That is when doctors discovered he has severe osteopenia, causing frequent fractures.

To this day Sam relies on his wonderful blended and extended family to carry, lift, & move his fragile body and care for all his physical needs and care. Sam has overcome so many obstacles, always with a smile.

Sam has no verbal language, but expresses his emotions very clearly. Samuel's devotion for family is evident as he pats his chest to indicate love and always flashes those big bright eyes and that great big toothy grin that has made him sort of a local celebrity. Everywhere we go, people are drawn to him and he absolutely loves all the attention. Sam loves excitement, whether it be outdoor concerts, bowling, bike riding, or just shopping. He loves to GO!!

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