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Some say that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, regardless of the time you choose to eat it. If you prefer to start your day sunny-side up, than look no further than this state-wide breakfast staple. The best breakfast restaurant in the entire state serves meals that will not only kick start your day, but healthy plates that you can enjoy with friends. How can you go wrong with a hearty stack of waffles topped with butter and fruit, or a tall glass of freshly pressed juice? This restaurant offers those options, and many more!
According to a list compiled by Mashed, the best place to order breakfast in Michigan is at the Falling Rock Cafe & Bookstore in Munising.
Here is what Mashed had to say about the best breakfast restaurant in the entire state:
"If you're searching high and low for the best place to eat breakfast in Michigan, you'd be doing yourself a disservice if you overlooked Falling Rock Cafe & Bookstore. This is a place where you can find a great book, listen to live music, and down cup after cup of delicious coffee. However, while you're doing all that, don't forget about the food. The Breakfast Sandwich comes with eggs, cheese, and either sausage or bacon. For the bread, you can pick either a croissant, bagel, or English muffin. You can also grab a breakfast burrito for eating on the go."