This Is Michigan’s Weirdest Tradition

'Welcome to pure Michigan' sign

Photo: Getty Images

Every state in the U.S. has its own unique history, and with that comes equally unique traditions. Although these traditions may seem a little strange to outsiders, they help shape a state's distinctive culture. 24/7 Tempo decided to examine these traditions and track down what they define as the weirdest in each state.

From 24/7 Tempo:

"Some of the traditions on our list revolve around holidays such as New Year’s Eve and Independence Day. Many towns in these states have put their own spin on these traditional celebrations. Not surprisingly, some of these offbeat traditions involve food. West Virginia hosts a cook-off for roadkill. In Minnesota, folks hold a meat raffle. Some of these traditions include races in which fish, as opposed to horses or dogs, compete against each other. In Maryland, visitors can root for their favorite crustacean in the National Hard Crab Derby."

So, what is Michigan's most unique tradition? Cherry pit spitting. Here's what America's Library had to say about it:

"The Cherry Pit Spit began in 1974, when Herb Teichman, a Michigan cherry farmer, was looking for 'something to do' with cherry pits. Growing from a neighborhood get-together to an international competition, the Cherry Pit Spit is recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records as an official competition"

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