Jay's Juniors

Jay's Juniors

Jay's Juniors is a program that gives chronic or terminally ill children the chance to escape the hospital and doctors appointments and go to Disney...Full Bio


Meet Andrew!

This is Andrew! 

H'es 9-years-old, loves playing outside, video games and goofing around.  

At first glance people might not know that he has been fighting this rare and aggressive cancer called Desmoplastic Small Round Cell Tumor or "DSRCT" for short.  If one takes a closer look they can see the hair that has turned pitch white at the roots all over his body and dark circles that lay under his eyes.  

He was diagnosed when he had just turned 6 years old right before Thanksgiving.  He went through 22 rounds of really extensive chemotherapy.  He then was the first child in Michigan to receive the HIPEC procedure which is when surgeons removed over 420 tumors, his spleen among other things.  

He had gone through so much, 36 rounds of radiation, 2 more surgeries, as well as shots everyday.  He has never been off of chemo, and currently he is taking it orally. His Oncologist said that like a diabetic that always needs insulin, he is a cancer patient that will always need some form of chemo.   

Thankfully, right now he is back to school and just trying to make the most out of life.

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