Jay's Juniors

Jay's Juniors

Jay's Juniors is a program that gives chronic or terminally ill children the chance to escape the hospital and doctors appointments and go to Disney...Full Bio


Meet Alyea!

Meet Alyea!

In the fall of 2016, Alyea experienced what seemed to be a simple earache, along with some facial pain. Weeks later, her symptoms progressed into body pain and inflammation in random parts of her body, and a lump/lesion was found on her jaw bone. 

After 19 months of feeling like her body was depleting and visiting multiple doctors, she was diagnosed with a very rare bone disease called CRMO (Chronic Recurrent Multifocal Osteomyelitis). The disease effects 1 in a million throughout the world and 1 out of 500,000 in the U.S. It is a genetic inflammatory disease that seems to attack any long bone of the body.

Alyea has undergone numerous bone scans, MRI’s, bone biopsies, endless blood work, injections, PT and is currently on Infusions to help trick the cells from attacking the healthy bone.

Alyea continues to show us what it means to truly persevere, trying to live her teen years as normal as possible. She’s quoted-“ I don’t want this chronic illness to stop me from reaching my goals & dreams. She continues to spread awareness & hopes that one day they’ll find a cure for CRMO! 

Alyea’s greatest passion is figure skating. Even though she’s had to skate a little less lately, she still enjoys training as much as her body will allow. 

Alyea loves painting, tennis, piano, dance, modeling and acting. 

She is so excited to go to Disney World with Jays Juniors & cant wait to meet everyone!!

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